
Guide to the Gods 1.0

En... to Ez...


Old Illyrian god.


Sumerian god of irrigation and agriculture.


One of the Greek Titans. Son of Gaea. After the Titans were defeated by the gods led by Zeus, he fled to Sicily, where he was killed by Herakles or Athena. Mount Aetna was placed over his body and was believed to come to activity whenever he turned over or hissed.



A Lusitanian god.


(Akkadian Ea)

"Lord of the Earth". Sumerian god of freshwaters, wisdom and purification.


(Ellil, Akkadian Bel)

"Lord Wind". Sumerian god of Earth and wind.



Sumerian god of the underworld known as Aralu or Meslam.


Gnostic goddess, personification of thought.


Sumerian underworld god.


Supreme being of Paressi of Matto Grosso.


Mesopotamian deity.


See Nanna.


"Lord Reed Bundle". Enki as god of ablution magic.


Minor Greek god of war. A companion of Ares, or perhaps merely one of his epithets.


A minor Greek goddess of war who accompanied Ares into battle. Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. Equated by the Romans with their goddess Bellona.


(Latin Aurora)

Greek goddess of the dawn. Daughter of Hyperion and Theia. Sister of Helios (sun) and Selene (moon). Homer referes to her as "rosy- fingered dawn". The morning dew was said to be the tears she shed for her son Memnon who fell at Troy. Hesiod gives her consort as Astraeus, by whom she was said to be the mother of winds Zephyrus, Notus, as well as of the evening star Hesperus. Other versions make her the consort of Aeolos. The Romans referred to her as Aurora.


Germanic goddess of spring and the dawn. Origin of our Easter.


See Aloades.


Celtic mare goddess, goddess of horses. Later adopted by the Romans (also Bubona) as a goddess of horses and cattle.


Supreme god of the South American Araucanians.


Protector god of the Canary Islands.


Greek muse of lyric poetry, particularly love poetry. Daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Usually depicted with a lyre.



The darkness of the underworld below Hades, personified as a deity in Hesiod. Son of Chaos and Nyx (night). He later became the consort of Nyx, by whom he fathered Aether (light) and Hemera (day).



Legendary god-king of Athens, and an earth or ancestor spirit of the Athenian people. He was said to be the son of Hephaistos, whose semen fell upon the earth (Gaea) when he attempted to rape the goddess Athena. Athena raised him at the Athenian Acropolis. Erechtheus was depicted either as a snake or with the tail of a snake.



Sumero-Akkadian goddess of the underworld.


Basque spirit which takes men's lives.


Chinese guardian god who chased away evil spirits.


Greek river god. It was into the river Eridanus that Phaethon plunged after his ill-fated attempt to drive the sun-chariot. Some have tentatively identified this as the river Po.


(sing. Erinys, Eumenides, Roman Furies)

Greek avenging goddesses. According to Hesiod, they were born from the blood of the castrated god Ouranos which fell upon Gaea, the earth. Euripedes was the first to give there number as three: Alekto ("unceasing"), Megaira ("jealous"), and Tisiphone ("avenger of murder"). They punished criminals, especially those who sinned against their parents. Depicted with snake-covered heads and bearing torches from the underworld, where they lived. Often referred to euphemistically as the Eumenides ("the kind ones") or as the Semnai ("the venerable ones").


Greek goddess of discord and strife. Daughter of Zeus and Hera. Sister and companion of Ares. Mother of Ate by Zeus. It was her Golden Apple ("apple of discord") which created the strife among the gods that ultimately led to the Trojan War. Eris threw the apple among the guests at a wedding feast, with the inscription "to the fairest". Hera, Aphrodite and Athena each claimed the apple. Zeus attempted to resolve the conflict by having Paris decide the issue. Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite, who rewarded him by helping him to take Helen with him to Troy. Hera and Athena vowed to bring destruction to Troy in revenge for the slight. Her Roman equivalent was Discordia.


Irish goddess whose name is preserved in Eire, the Gaelic name of Ireland.


Central Asian (Altaic) king of the dead.


(Roman Amor)

Greek god of love and fertility. In Hesiod, he was said to have been born of Chaos. He was later said to be the son of Aphrodite and one of Ares, Hephaistos, Zeus or Hermes. Eros was accompanied by Pothos (longing) and Himeros (desire). Depicted as a winged youth with bow and arrows. His arrows had the power to make both gods and mortals fall in love.


Boy-like gods in late Classical art and poetry who derived from the god Eros.



Babylonian god of plague, slaughter.


Haitian goddess of love, beauty, flowers, jewels, dancing and fine clothes.


Sky-god of Ket people of Siberia.

Esaugetuh Emissee

Chief god and wind god of the North American Creek Indians.


Greek name for Isis.


See Isis.



Phoenician god of health and healing.


Hattic sun god. Equivalent to the Hittite Ishtanu.



Trickster god and divine messenger of the Yoruba.


Navajo goddess. Participated in the creation of the world and then became the ruler of the Navajo underworld.


Celtic "Lord" or "Master". An agricultural deity of the Celtic Essuvi, who derived their name from him.


Babylonian soul of a dead person.


Early Babylonian king who was later elevated to the status of a god. His myth became merged with that of an earlier Babylonian hero, also named Etana.


See Aether.


See Erinyes.


"Good Order". Greek goddess of law and order. One of the Horae (Seasons) along with Dike and Eirene. Daughter of Zeus and Themis. The Horae were entrusted with guarding the gates of Olympus. They were collectively honoured in the annual festival of the Horaea.



"Joy". One of the Greek Charites (Graces). Euphrosyne was the personification of joy and festivity. The Charites were said to be the daughters of Zeus and either Hera or Eurynome.

Euro Brothers

Australian culture gods of the Aranda people.



Greek god of east wind. Son of Eos, possibly by Astraeus. Sometimes equated by the Romans with Volturnus, the god of the river Tiber.


One of the Greek Gorgons, daughters of Ceto and Phorkys. Her sister Gorgons were Medusa and Stheno.


A Greek Dryad (woodland nymph); wife of Orpheus. She was bitten by a snake while fleeing Aristaeus, whence she died and descended to the Underworld. In a famous tale, her husband Orpheus descended to the Underworld to retrieve her. Hades allowed Eurydice to follow Orpheus to the surface, on condition that Orpheus refrained from looking upon Eurydice until they had left the Underworld. The two reached the threshold between the Underworld and the world of the living, but Orpheus turned to look at Eurydice before they had actually crossed the threshold, and Eurydice was immediately whisked back to the realm of Hades, condemned to eternal death.


One of the Greek Oceanids (Okeanides), daughters of Okeanos and Tethys. According to Apollonius of Rhodes, Eurynome was a primordial goddess who ruled Olympus with Ophion before the advent of Kronos. She had a cult centre at Phigaleia in Arcadia.


Greek muse of flute playing, variously given as the patron of tragedy or of lyric poetry. Daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Her symbol was the double flute, which she was said to have invented.


Goddess of night among Bakairi of South America.



Minor Roman god, who greeted Aeneas at the future site of Rome. He was said to have introduced the Greek pantheon and alphabet to Rome.
